GU Energy Lemonade Chews

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Running Chews - Ann Arbor Running Company

Color: Black

SKU: 124923

Gu Energy Chews are the perfect training fuel for managing your intake. We all know the classic gel format works, but it's not always what we want. Further, it might just be that we want to get our carbs in different amounts and/or at different times. Gu Energy Chews are loaded with 40g of carbohydrates in two servings – they offer just what you need to perform in a convenient sleeve. With ingredients like maltodextrin and fructose that help maximize absorption and decrease stomach discomfort, the Chews help to stay on top of fueling requirements with variety. With so many energy "chewy" things out there to choose from, go with Gu Energy Chews, they’ll keep it fun and flavorful.

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