2023 Michigan Runner Race Series

The Michigan Runner of the Year award was first given out in 1979 to Ron Gunn. From 1979 to 2001 the MROY award was voted on by the staff at Michigan Runner. In 2002 the Michigan Runner Race Series was created to establish a points based system to determine the Michigan Runner of the year. 2023 will be the 45th year of awarding a Michigan Runner of the Year here in the great state of Michigan. Discount codes for a few of this year's series races...
Winter Blast 5k on 2/18 - code : MIRUNNER ($5 off)
Rock CF 13.1-miles on 3/19 - code :
rcfmrrs23 ($5 off)
Martian Marathon on 4/15 - code :
MIRUNNER23 ($5 off)
Amway River Bank Run 25k on 5/13 - code : rbrMRRS23 (10% off)
DXA2 13.1-miles on 6/4 - code : MRRS (10% off)
Magic of the Mile on 7/11 - code : mirunner (20% off)
Kayla O'Mara 5k on 8/5
Bridge Run 10-mile on 9/17 - code : mirunner ($5 off)
Sandhill Crane All Trail 13.1-mile on 10/14
Roseville Big Bird Run 10k on 11/12