Festivus Run
Join Ann Arbor Running Co + Saucony on Tuesday, December 21st for a Festivus Run from AARC Downtown Ann Arbor (209 S Ashley, Ann Arbor, MI 48104). The run will start at 6:01pm. We will have post-run Festivus snacks and beverages so stick around, air your grievances and get a picture with the AARC Festivus pole.
Saucony will be in attendance with demo shoes to try out before, during or after the run. The Festivus Miracle will be provided by our Saucony friends and they will be raffling off a pair of Saucony shoes for those who test out a pair before, during or after the run.
RVSP and be entered into a raffle for some AARC swag. We will have a Festivus route with directions. Probably around 4-6 miles. It's Festivus do whatever your heart desires!